Yes, I know it’s Thursday, so it’s not really a Friday update. And truth be told… it’s not much of an update, either. If you only want to know about the game-related stuff, it’s simple — I’ve gotten hardly anything done because life has been handing me lemons faster than I could make lemonade. So this is an explanation… and an apology.

First things first — this is going up a day early because tomorrow is one of the two work days a year that could extend to up to 16 hours. I think I’ve mentioned this before, but I don’t expect you all to keep track of the nuances of my work schedule! But yeah, every year in January and June I have one long-ass Friday to deal with, thus the update happens on Thursday.

But this update nearly didn’t happen at all this week, because this month has really, truly been hellish. One thing after another. You saw the COVID issues (with Morgana having to miss work). Then you heard about my presciption issues (I only got my pills yesterday, so I went 12 days without them). Then this morning I got word that my aunt passed away.

With everything else that happened, I kiiiiiiinda had a breakdown for most of the day. I couldn’t even get my shit together enough to do an image for this week’s update; the one you see here is made by RJ Rhodes, my dev BFF and creator of Come Home. It’s her taking me out for burgers to make me feel better, which I definitely need right now. I almost skipped posting an update entirely, but I remember offhandedly saying that if I missed a week of updates that means I’m dead or Mythos is over, and since not all of you are on my Discord (why the hell aren’t you?) I didn’t want you to be out of the loop. I’m not dead, and Mythos is not over!

I’m sorry that I haven’t made much progress this month. It’s been a pretty difficult time, and with me working full time and having other real-world committments I know I’m not the fastest at getting out updates. I don’t want anybody to think I’m milking this or anything like that. I’m sorry.

Let’s hope next week is easier and comes with better news. 

Until then, keep the legends alive, please…

– Nine 💜