I hope more than like two people get the reference I’m making in this week’s header image. Otherwise, enjoy Lisa’s blank, cold stare. Anyways, yeah… I did it. I actually wrote a story that was literally nothing but background character...
Woo, I was a little writin’ machine this week! I knocked out three scenes worth of dialogue/narration, with one of them (Ah My Goddess!) ending up being a 3500-word monster. That may not sound like a lot, in novel terms, but considering there’s not as much...
Today is a special day, for me personally! Well, I’ll get to that in a sec, let’s do the Mythos stuff, first. I was chugging along with my After Effects stuff when suddenly inspiration struck! I immediately delved back into writing “The Lyin’...
Hey, hey, everybody! It’s Friday, again — but this Friday is an important one to many people. Some people even took the day off, even though it’s not a national holiday or anything. Even though it’s not something I observe, myself, I want to...
Hey, everybody! I’m back! I’ve regained control after Morgana’s little jaunt, and she’s currently… occupied elsewhere. The timing worked out well; she and I had planned her doing the April Fool’s Day update as soon as we discovered...
Text Version: It’s Friday! FRIDAY! GETTING DOWN ON FRIDAY! Partying partying yeah! Partying partying partying partying…. Y E A H. I took over bitches! Because we have a super awesome announcement that Nine doesn’t wanna do so I said “let me, let me break the people.”...