So for anybody who somehow missed the posts and all the reminders I sent out: Two weeks ago, I opened myself up for any and all questions that you Mythies wanted me to answer. I said that there may be some questions I wouldn’t answer, but nobody put up anything...
Alright, everyone! There were actually a few people asking about when this segment was going to come back, so here it is: Ask the Dev questions are now open. For those of you who are new to this, here’s how it works: Instead of posing a question to one of the...
Desmond landed with a thud, his screams of terror cut short as the wind was knocked from him. The ground beneath him felt softer than he’d expected. There were also pillows upon it. Confused, Desmond’s hand felt around his surroundings. He couldn’t find the edges of...
Note from Nine: I was pretty sick over the entire weekend, even though it was bearable enough for me to see They Might Be Giants on Sunday (apparently I feel okay as long as I’m standing up?). Hopefully this part of the story will be worth the wait! Desmond...
Note from Nine: Yeah, this is a day late, sorry about that. December is a rough month for everyone, with holiday shopping, family shit, and work gatherings. I’m also preparing for a convention we’re going to at the beginning of January, and… ya...
Hey, Mythies! This one was wild. At first I was bummed that I got so few questions, so I extended the deadline… and got a fucking deluge. Some of y’all flagrantly broke the rules (not naming names, Christa), but I tried to be as accomodating as possible....