As far as the game goes, still working! I coded another scene, and not only did both achievement renders but actually figured out how they can be attained. Also finished the Patreon/SubscribeStar monthly bonus images, but I will wait until Monday to do the postwork and put them up. I wonder if it’s not overkill to have an update every week, since it may just be information overload on y’all – but I don’t want anybody to think that Mythos isn’t being worked on or isn’t on my mind pretty much all the time. That may link into the “personal stuff” part of the update.

Incidentally… the rest of this update is personal stuff. Things hit me kinda hard this week, even if it didn’t hit me in such a way that it actually prevented me from working.

After taking the cat in for his bi-weekly diabetes thing (a “glucose curve” for people who know or care what it actually is), I went to see my doctor about my recurring… let’s call them “digestive issues”. I had so many horrible worries about what could have been causing my abdominal woes, with my brain of course immediately jumping to colon cancer. Then I thought “wait, isn’t that only in men?” Then I rolled my eyes at myself and realized that’s prostate cancer I was thinking of, and just go to the fucking doctor so she can verify what the problem is.

So when I got to see my doctor, she didn’t ask about my eating habits or like… poop stuff. She asked about my sleeping, which (as I’ve mentioned) hasn’t been great. Then she asked if I’d been worried about anything lately. I started with the most recent thing; my poor diabetic cat. Then the money issues (both the huge amount I had to pay in taxes and the budget having to adjust for Morgana’s new car). Then about things going on at work (sales are bad and layoffs are happening, which could affect me even though I’m not in sales). 

Before I knew it, I was rattling off a litany of things that go through my brain. The more I spoke, the more I realized what was going on. I’ve actually been even more wound-up and anxious than usual, and she even pointed out that I was having panic attacks that I didn’t even realize were panic attacks. 

I expected to go in there and get scheduled for a colonoscopy or an x-ray of my guts or something. Instead, I got a prescription for Zoloft and she advised me to look around for another job that may value me more. She also gave the general advice of “try to look for and focus on the positive.” 

In a way, I think this may be tangentially Mythos-related; if I end up having a full-on fucking breakdown, that may disrupt my workflow a bit. Hopefully, this long weekend and my new happy pills (which is what my doctor actually called them!) will set me straight before that becomes an issue. 

Was this oversharing? Sorry. I believe in transparency (that’s why the update posts aren’t behind a paywall, after all), but there maaaaaaay be such a thing as too much transparency…

Chapter Four Scenes Completed:

  • It’s Always Sunny in Baltimore
  • Born in a Barn

Chapter Four Scenes to be Done:

  • Law and Mordor
    • Writing: Complete!
    • Coding: Complete!
    • Rendering: In progress…
  • For Here or To Go?
    • Writing: Complete!
    • Coding: Complete!
  • High School Never Ends
    • Writing: Complete!
    • Coding: Complete!
  • It’s LeviOsa, Not LeviosA!
    • Writing: Complete!
  • Fairy Tail
  • Things That Go Bump in the Night
    • Writing: In Progress…

Other Things:

  • Version 3.11 Streamable (On Hold)
  • Music Track Revamping (Complete!)
  • Reshooting Some Side Images (Complete!)
  • New Side Images (Jodi and Tara) (Complete!)
  • Chapter Four Achievements (2/2)
    • Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That (Tara Render)
    • Glutton for Punishment (B Render)
  • Clever Jokes on the Checklist (0)

Keep the Legends Alive!

– Nine ♥