Before the release of Chapter Two, we had a fun segment called “Ask the Cast”, where users were free to ask any Mythos character that they knew of any question they could think of. Sometimes they were related to the story, sometimes not. And of course people wanted to talk to the Cat, but I digress…

We’re going to be doing another “Ask the Cast” later on, closer to the Chapter Three release and after a few Character Interviews and more narratives (like “Rain’s Promise”), but there is something else I’ve wanted to do — let’s see if this is as popular as talking to fictional characters! 

Instead of posing a question to one of the Mythos characters, you can send in questions to me. Any question you want (though I may not answer some obviously personal ones); it could be about my design, why I made certain story choices, my worst high school memory… seriously, anything. 

But wait, there’s more! Since I’m technically not the only dev for Nine of Swords, you can also ask questions to Morgi (my wife)! Since she won’t join the Discord, this is a rare chance to get to interact with her. 

There are many ways in which you can ask your questions:

  • Reply to this post
  • Reply to the redirect post I put on SubscribeStar/Patreon/
  • Reply to the Tweet that brought you here
  • DM me on Twitter
  • DM me on SubscribeStar/Patreon
  • DM me on a certain adult gaming forum
  • Put a question in the #ask-the-dev channel on our Discord

You can ask as many questions as you like, but don’t get ridiculous with it. Maybe limit them to like five? I dunno, there may not be any questions at all, and I’ll have to come up with something else.

Questions will be closed off on November 1st, with me posting my answers on November 2nd. 

Keep the Legends Alive!

– Nine