Hey, everyone!

First of all, I’d like to thank everyone who offered their support and kindness since the last update. Losing a friend is really hard, particularly when as young as she was (which I’ve since learned is 33; older than I originally thought, but still way too young). She passed away Saturday morning, after the doctors tried everything they could to bring her back to us. She was a core part of our tabletop gaming group, and she’ll be missed dearly.

Now on to the game updates! It was tough to get into working on Mythos again after the emotional roller coaster, but when I realized that I’d done basically no postwork on all the renders of Chapter Five, I figured that’d be an “easy” thing I could tackle and get out of the way. Typically “postwork” for me is just doing minor touchups, as most of the time Daz renders out exactly as I want it to (or at least as close as it can get without me messing it up in Photoshop). 

However for bigger scenes, sometimes I have to render characters or other bits separate from each other and then composite them together – the heist planning scene in Chapter Two is an example of this. As I was compositing some of these together, I came to realize that… I made a pretty big error in one part of a conversation, which has lead to me needing to re-render that part. I think I may just go the route of having it focus on individual characters as they’re speaking, instead of trying to show multiples at the same time. That’s probably how I should have done this to begin with, honestly.

So what’s left to do is that little bit of re-rendering, then the sex scenes, then coding the achievements in. Really, that’s it! 

That’s all I have for this week, as I’m still… not completely recovered. 

Keep the legends alive. 

– Nine