Obviously, it’s not Friday, but I did want to check in before I went on my trip. I know not everybody who follows the game is on the Discord or Twitter, so I wanted to make sure everyone knows that I’m not dead or worse (like at a Coldplay concert). 

The short time since my last update has been… rough. My grandmother was moved to hospice care on Saturday, and she passed away a few hours later. Despite this, my family is insistent that Morgana and I still go to California, thus missing the funeral. I don’t feel good about this, but being as family members have individually called me to tell me to go, I have to assume they actually mean it. 

Despite stress over the trip and grieving over the passing of my grandmother, I did get some renders done. Quite a lot of them, actually! But not enough for me to update the full list of scene progress — hopefully you’ll be an understanding bunch when I have both travel and a death in the family to struggle with.

If I get any downtime in California I may drop in on Twitter, Discord, or one of the adult game forums to let people know what’s going on, but this will be the last post on this site until the 27th.

Thanks for sticking with me and keeping the legends alive!

– Nine