The alpha testing is nearly complete! Like I said (I think) last week, this is the first time I didn’t do any of my own alpha testing until I was completely done all code and renders for the chapter. Why did I do it this way? I… I’m really not sure. I think I got on such a roll doing each particular step that I didn’t want to interrupt myself by “changing gears” and going into test mode.

I was a bit alarmed that when I loaded up my script for the first time, there was only a single error that prevented the game from launching. That’s… suspicious. As I play through the chapter, however, a few other minor issues did pop up. Some renders missing (usually me saving the scene in Daz but forgetting to actually render it), some images mis-named (easy as hell to fix), and I completely forgot to put in the music cues (also easy to fix). 

As such, I fully expect to have the alpha testing done after dinner this evening, which means it’ll be in my beta testers hands this weekend! 

On the personal life front, not really a whole lot of note, other than Morgana and I starting to become interested in the WWE for some reason (I blame the Game Grumps for setting us off down this path in a convoluted manner), and someone at work replying to my email referring me to ask… myself. And then copying me on it. In a reply to me. 

Currently I’m waiting for my doctor to call me for a remote appointment to see how I’m doing on the Zoloft. I’ll tell her I’m doing fine, but she was supposed to call about half an hour ago so I decided to hammer out this update in the meantime.

That’s all I got! Hopefully we’ll have some big news for the next weekly update, unless something awful comes up during testing.

Keep the Legends Alive!

– Nine 💜