Jessica Lee: Good afternoon, and welcome back! We’re back in the studio with our Mythos interview series as we head into Chapter Three. Today’s guest is an interesting one, since she’s very well established outside of Mythos — Reba Ellis! Thank you for coming, Reba.

Reba Ellis: Howdy Jess, thanks for havin’ me!

JL: Of course! Now you’re going to be introduced in Chapter Three, but I understand that people may recognize you from somewhere else?

RE: Yeah, I’m in that game Come Home by RJ Rhodes. I guess folk might recognize me from there, maybe? There’s 19 other dang characters, so I might get lost in the shuffle a bit, but I do have a couple of memorable assets that make me stand out from the bunch. I’m talking ’bout my ta-tas, if ya didn’t pick up on that.

JL: Oh, um… yes… I see. So what brings you from the Come Home world over to ours?

RE: Just came over for a little visit with my cousin. She lives up here in Baltimore. I don’t get up this way too often, but I have to come see her every once in a while at least. It’s nice to get away from home every once in a while, even though there’s too many dang people up here.

JL: Baltimore is definitely a world apart from Skyhill, that’s true. So is your cousin involved much in the Mythos story?

RE: I don’t really play video games, especially the ones with… sex… in them, but I think she’s the main character or something? She’s short and super-cute, like a dang chipmunk. Her name is Tara.

JL: (Pause) Oh, yes… Tara Norwood. I had the, ah… pleasure of interviewing her before the Chapter One release. So for you to travel all this way, I assume you two are close?

RE: I dun said we’re cousins, didn’t I?

We was best friends growing up, before we moved away from each other. Yeah, we’re close. We talk on the phone all the time. I love that girl.

JL: Right, of course. But you seem to be more than just visiting Tara if you’re playing some role in Mythos — will we be seeing you interact with some of the other cast?

RE: Well yeah, I’ll be interacting with other folk. Ky at least. I’d been wanting to meet Ky for ages, because Tara won’t shut up about them. Just constantly bringing them up in every dang conversation. I’m like, “Just do it already! Tell Ky you like them!” But she’s all “Naw, they’re with Lisa, blah blah blah.” But I guess Lisa died, so now Tara has an opening, or somethin? Sorry to hear that she’s dead and all. That’s just awful.

Anyway, yeah I get to meet Ky finally. And we’re gonna see if we can’t figure out something about Becki, cause that girl is up to something!

JL: Oh, Becki —

Becki (With An I): (From somewhere off-camera) With an I!

JL: … security! Please! (Sigh) Anyway, you say “we” want to figure out something. I know you don’t play games, but from what you know, do you have any thoughts on Lisa’s murder?

RE: Nope! Sorry! I don’t know anything about her or how she died. I’m pretty sure Tara didn’t do it. She gets real angry sometimes, but I don’t think she’d ever kill somebody. Unless maybe she was protecting somebody else? Like, if Lisa came to Tara’s house and tried to kick Freki, Tara might tear into her or somethin, but she wouldn’t just attack a person for no reason, I don’t think.

Baltimore is dangerous, you know? Big city. Coulda been anything that killed that girl. I don’t know. It’s just so sad.

JL: I think if someone tried to kick Freki, many people would be ready to fight! (Laughing) Thank you for your time, Reba — this was a remarkably pleasant experience. Before we go, I understand that RJ and the Come Home cast have had a big milestone achieved as of last week?

RE: Oh are we about done already? Dang, that was fast!

Um. Yeah, RJ did that whole Steam thing. You can play Come Home on Steam now, with those achievements things and stuff. I don’t know. I guess it’s a big deal? Last game I played was Bass Fishing on the Wii, where you had to move the little remote like you was actually fishing, but then you didn’t get to eat a fish afterwards, so what’s the dang point?

Anyway, yeah, RJ is pretty neat. If you like games where lots of people are doing it, it’s pretty good. And on Steam now.

JL: Excellent! Thank you so much for your time, Reba. Who knows? Maybe we’ll be seeing you even beyond Chapter Three. But if you folks at home want more of Reba, you can hop on over to RJ Rhodes’ Patreon or Steam Page to find out even more about her! Tune in soon when we have our next character interview… which should be Aiden Drest, but he’s been pretty elusive. Until then, keep the legends alive, Baltimore!