Hello, Mythies!!! With Chapter Four fully released and Chapter Five on the way, I’m watching for everyone’s reactions and opinions. Please make your voices heard in any way you can! Reviews are a great way to do this (hint hint)! I really value any...
Happy Friday, Mythies!!! The long (probably too long) awaited release of Chapter Four is upon us! Find out just what the heck is goin’ on around here! Check out the downloads page to grab Chapter Four and get to sleuthin’! There’s no more...
Hellooooo, Mythies! It’s been a hot week, hasn’t it? Well, I got some hot news to make it even… hotter. I’m bad at this. So anyway, the hot news is we have a Mythos: Book One, Chapter Four release date! “But Nine,” I hear you...
The alpha testing is nearly complete! Like I said (I think) last week, this is the first time I didn’t do any of my own alpha testing until I was completely done all code and renders for the chapter. Why did I do it this way? I… I’m really not sure....
Ahoy-hoy, Mythies! You may notice that there’s no progress checklist at the bottom of this post. If so, that means you just scroll past this text without reading what I have to say. Rude! But in all seriousness, the reason there’s no checklist is because...
There are only two scenes left for me to finish in Chapter Four before it goes out to beta testing! I rendered my ass off this week, burning through the remainder of scene four, blasting out scene five, and then finishing scene six… before realizing I had to...