Doing this a day early, ’cause I feel like it! I’m so wild and unpredictable! Woooo! Happy New Year, Mythies!

Anyway, there’s not much to report on, progress-wise, since the final chapter is still only a week into development, so there’s really nothing on that front to share. But what’s important is that I do have to start thinking about Book Two, since the story of Book One is totally done (you just haven’t seen the last part yet).

I don’t think I have a way of embedding polls on this site (I’m sure my webmaster will be letting me know as soon as he reads this), but I’ve made a preliminary survey so I can get a good idea of how things worked out for everyone. I didn’t wanna make this available only to people on a particular forum, or only for my Discord members, or only for supporters. I want to literally hear from everyone who’s played Mythos. So I made this survey thing. Everyone please take a few seconds (it’s really short) to click a few checkboxes for me.

Survey Link! (Update January 5th, 2024)

There will be more surveys in the future, so keep an eye out for those!

I hope everyone had a good holiday stretch! I have next week to do work on the game, then the week after that I’ll be totally tied up with MAGFest. I may make an update from the road just so y’all can hear that I’m like… not dead.

Keep the Legends Alive!
– Nine