Happy Black Friday! Or, for those of you not in the US, just… happy Friday, I guess?

Beta testing for Chapter Five began this past weekend, and I got lots of good feedback on what needs to be fixed. Blessedly, there’s very minimal render issues. Actually, none of the issues are huge. A few render issues that can be very quickly fixed, some code cleanup, and a bunch of typos that I’m not even sure how I missed. 

I had a sudden inspiration for the sex scene, giving me just what I needed to kick that into full gear; with all the grim stuff that’d been going on, it was hard to get into a sexy mindset. I’ll get my second beta test out soon, and hopefully, after that, we’ll be ready for the release! I didn’t get to do as much fixing this week due to family crap for the holiday, but I don’t anticipate there being much left to do.

Keep the Legends Alive!

– Nine