There are only two scenes left for me to finish in Chapter Four before it goes out to beta testing! I rendered my ass off this week, burning through the remainder of scene four, blasting out scene five, and then finishing scene six… before realizing I had to redo a good bit of scene six due to a stupid error.
As proof of my stupid error, see this:

It may not be immediately apparent, but Violet’s glasses are clipping through the bridge of her nose. Thus, I had to go back and redo every shot that had Violet in it, and she’s actually in a good bit of the scene (Violet fans rejoice). I wish it was something I could have just fixed with the Photoshop healing brush (which I have to use on Monica’s forehead almost every time she appears, for some reason). Had it not been for Violet’s glasses, I may have been halfway through scene seven by now!
I think this hike in productivity may be me finally having adjusted fully to Zoloft. Anybody who’s suffered from mental issues like mine knows that sometimes your brain will just stop you from doing things that you know need to be done, or just slow you down considerably as you struggle with yourself, and it feels like that barrier has been removed. Hopefully, this means I’ll have a full beta by the end of next week — Tuesday is a holiday for me so that I can get more done than usual!
The cat diabetes saga continues! The vet called us to let us know she has been monitoring the glucose sensor remotely, and we have to increase the insulin dosage. Then this morning it seems his glucose sensor just broke so it has to be replaced. That shouldn’t cost anything, but it’s still annoying.
Additionally, the air quality here was really bad yesterday. When I went out for my daily walk it looked like the entire sky was gray and a thick haze hung over everything. Morgana and I both got sick and still feel sick today, likely because of that. I have a lung condition already, so I hope this isn’t exacerbating that issue… the last thing I need right now is another lung collapse!
Anyway, that’s all I got for this week!
Chapter Four Scenes Completed:
- It’s Always Sunny in Baltimore
- Born in a Barn
- Law and Mordor
- For Here or To Go?
- High School Never Ends
- It’s LeviOsa, Not LevioA!
Chapter Four Scenes to be Rendered:
- Fairy Tail
- Things That Go Bump in the Night
Other Things:
- Version 3.11 Streamable (On Hold)
- Music Track Revamping (Complete!)
- Reshooting Some Side Images (Complete!)
- New Side Images (Jodi and Tara) (Complete!)
- Chapter Four Achievements (2/2)
- Ain’t Nobody Got Time For That (Tara Render)
- Glutton for Punishment (B Render)
- Wildfire Smoke Inhaled (Way Too Much)
Keep the Legends Alive!
– Nine ♥