Just a quick update this week so nobody worries! 

To get this out of the way quickly: We still haven’t gotten Morgana’s test results back, but she and I are both getting better about not worrying too much until we know for sure what’s happening. “Worry only as much as is useful,” I’ve heard someone say. Or something like that.

Anyway, Morgana went to Annapolis Pride and sold some art, which she seemed to enjoy. While she did that, I got some writing done and sent it off to the beta readers. It was productive (and delightfully distracting) to both of us.

For the Patreon and SubscribeStar supporters, I know I’ve once again forgotten to get the wallpapers out by the end of the month. I think you’ll understand why it happened, this time. Many apologies, and I’ll get them out soon!

Anyway, that’s all I got! Keep the legends alive!
– Nine