Heyo, Mythies! June is the busiest month I’ve had in a long time, and I hate it. That hasn’t actually affected progress on the game at all… but the absolute girth of this final scene has. Let’s just dive into it!

Game Update

As you know I’ve had “one scene” left to write for a while. What I’ve been doing so far has been sending them “scripts”, which is basically just the dialogue and some descriptions of what renders and effects I’ll be doing for different parts of the scenes. It’s basically the complete text of the scene without anything else, so that we can check story flow, phrasing, grammar, and so on. 

Each of the scenes so far have been 2-4 pages depending on the content, since some characters are a lot more verbose than others. Some scenes lean more on the renders to do storytelling, while others are primarily told through descriptions or speech. 

I’m at roughly the halfway point of writing this final scene (the “canon ending”, as it were), and it’s up to eleven pages. This scene is a freaking monster to write and will include every single character from Book One in some capacity (except for the Waitress; she needs a break). 

Yes, I know this is taking forever. I’m not going to even pretend this update is going to be quickly coming, because this is the finale. This is me actually finishing a project, and I need to be 142% certain that I’m sticking the landing on it, else you may lose faith in the future Mythos games/books/comics/breakfast cereals. 

Also, Morgana has an idea she wanted to float to everyone: Bad Fanfiction Reading. As a Patreon/SubscribeStar benefit, she wants to get on our Discord and read bad fanfiction (perhaps selected by the audience), possibly making a drinking game out of it. Not just that, but have sections where she opens up the voice chat to all participants so they can discuss (or commiserate) the works as she goes. If this is something that’d interest y’all, let me know. The stickers are still coming, we just gotta get through this month first. Speaking of which…

Personal Update

June usually sucks for me because it’s one of the two months where my job does inventory. But this June is worse than most! That first weekend was Morgana vending at a Pride event (thus setting her “stickers for Mythos” idea in motion), while last weekend she and I both attended DC Pride. It was fun, but also extremely exhausting, as I’m such a severe introvert that being in that kind of environment drains my social battery at record speeds. Mixed with my aversion to heat (apparently made worse by my antidepressants?) meant that Monday was a day I stayed home from work, with my only plans that day to take my car in for an oil change.

Where they found a nail stuck through the side wall of my tire. Yay. And nobody in the area has my weird-ass tire size in stock so I had to wait until Tuesday to get it fixed. Double yay. 

This weekend we’re cleaning our place thoroughly for next weekend, where I’m getting hit with a double-whammy of inventory and us having a houseguest staying over so we can attend the Ghost movie “Rite Here, Rite Now”. We have to do all this cleaning basically today and whatever we can do during the week, because tomorrow is my tabletop RPG (which we haven’t gotten to hold a session for in two months, I think). 

Then the weekend after that is also stupid busy. On Friday the 28th we’re going to Too Many Games because Morgana is absolutely apeshit at the idea of meeting Neil Newbon (Astrarion from Baldur’s Gate 3 and Heisenberg from Resident Evil 8). We can’t stay for that whole convention, however, because on Saturday we’re seeing Beetlejuice: the Musical at the Hippodrome. 

I hope July is a chill month. 

And what news of Morgana’s possible cancer, you may ask? Good question! She called the doctor to check in about those test results, and was told that if we didn’t get them on Friday (we didn’t) then we should have them by Monday at the latest. Let’s see if that happens. The waiting is killing us (hopefully figuratively). 

This turned out to be a lot! Sorry for the long read. I will likely not be posting an update next week, but I may throw something up on Sunday just to check in. There’s a chance I’ll actually have the chapter fully written before Inventory, but (as always) I don’t wanna set expectations. 

Keep the legends alive!
– Nine