What a fuckery of a week it’s been. Nothing to do with Mythos, just… everything in general. Let’s dive into it together!

Game Update

The rendering begins! This is the time where I spend a few hours setting up a scene, then a few minutes posting, rendering, posing, rendering… it’s the most boring part of making Mythos, but the part where I have to pay the most attention. Being as I’m a writer and not so much a visual person. I have to dissect ever render I make in hopes that I didn’t miss anything obvious. Even then, the beta testers invariably pick up details like “hey, in the previous chapter Tara was blonde, but now she has no eyes.” Just little nitpicks like that.

The “Closing Credits” sequence is something I’m waffling on how to do. I’m really happy with how the opening sequence movie went in AfterEffects, but I’m not sure if I need to do something similar with the closing. I’d be interested to hear people’s opinions on how “flashy” they expect the closing sequence to be.

There is gonna be one more Tales from Mythos attached to Book One! Like “The Celestial Bureaucracy”, this will only be in the game and not on the site, because it only becomes available after [SPOILER]. The Tales from Mythos were always intended to cover information and backstory that’s good for readers to know, but may not fit the tone or flow of the actual main games. For example, “Never Again” was the biggest of the tonal shifts, while “Road to Nowhere” is an extended flashback that’d be clumsy to put in the game itself. It’ll still be optional reading, but it covers background information that may never be explicitly stated in the games themselves.

It’s also a chance for me to just write like a writer, which feels nice.

Now that all the endings are written, I’m putting up the weekly checklist again so you can see progress as it happens! For those who weren’t aware (or forgot), I took the checklist away because I didn’t want any of you sneaky sleuths figuring out who the murderer was based on chapter titles and which scenes were written in which order. I know some of y’all are smart out there!

Personal Update

The news in the world gets crazier and crazier. I don’t often talk about current events publicly, but I’d be almost doing a disservice to you if I didn’t admit that they’re taking an emotional toll on me (as I’m sure it is to many of you as well). Is this going to affect the production of Mythos? Hopefully not. Since I’m in the rendering stage, it doesn’t require the same kind of mental focus that writing does, but it’s still something that has my brain meats festering in a bad way.

My body ain’t doing great either! I had a D&D game on Friday (where I’m playing an Aasimar named “B”, hehe), but I forgot to eat beforehand. I ended up eating a cup of instant ramen at 10 PM. I’m not sure if that was to blame, or if it’s still my body getting used to the medication adjustments, but I literally was stuck in my bathroom for about an hour and a half, unable to even get up. I actually fumbled around to get water and my digestive pills so I could take them, and then sat there and waited for it to kick in. I’m trying not to be too graphic about what was going on, but it was extremely unpleasant. This resulted in me basically having a Saturday where I was useless, having slept until about noon, my abdomen muscles aching (as well as my jaw, which was tightly clenched from the pain), my throat sore from straining… I was a mess.

For what it’s worth, today feels much better. I just dread these random “gut attacks” happening, because they always seem to fucking happen in the middle of the night when I’m asleep. 

Chapter Six To-Do:

  • Outline – Done!
  • Closing Credits Sequence
  • Chapter Six Scenes
    • Whodunnit? – Rendering…
    • I Can Has Murder? – Written!
    • Gehenna – Written!
    • Personally Victimized by Regina George – Written!
    • On Your Wedding Day – Written!
    • Divine Deception – Written!
    • I’m Kickin’ My Ass! – Written!
    • Thin Black Line – Written!
    • Violating the Traditions – Written!
    • Rogue Nation – Written!
    • Mordred Ascendant – Written!
    • A Childhood Lost – Written!
    • I’m With the Band – Written!
    • Drumroll, Please! – Written!
    • France is Bacon – Written!
    • Merlin’s Declaration – Written!
    • Curtain Call – Written!
    • Epilogue – Writing…
  • Chapter Six Achievements (2/15)
  • New Music (1/?)
  • Tales from Mythos: [Title Redacted] (0/1)

Keep the legends alive!
– Nine