Last week’s update was on Steam, but they won’t all be! In fact, most won’t. Like this one.
Game Update
So based on my original plans last year, I’d wanted Mythos to be out by Valentine’s Day, which just passed. I already let you all know that wouldn’t be happening, because this time I am making my beta extra-long and extra-thorough because it’s like… the final beta. This is the end of Book One, and it’s super important I get this right.
Not only that, but this is me learning how to deal with Steam, and there’s a lot more to it than I’d thought. I’m going to be releasing a demo on Steam pretty soon, but that’s nothing long-time Mythies will care about; It’s just going to be a portion of Chapter One, and nothing new has been added to that part of the game.
I’ve finished coding and rendering the achievements, but there’s a whole new step of having to make Steam icons for the achievements and figuring out how to link the game to Steam to properly trigger those achievements. The linking part is probably easy, but making icons for all these achievements is just another thing I didn’t think about.
I still could get a “final” beta build out to the Testies this week, but I kinda wanna make it an “all-in-one” thing, where they can test via Steam itself. That way, I won’t need to do another beta just for the Steam version.
Personal Update
Over the course of this week, I think I’ve finally started shaking off the lingering effects of COVID. One thing that was hitting me really hard was the fatigue. When I didn’t have an alarm set, I would sleep twelve hours or more, and throughout the day I felt my mind wandering and my eyes drooping. Toward the end of the week, I was starting to feel like my old self again. Morgana isn’t so lucky, though; she got bronchitis from the ordeal, and she’s taking steroids and on an inhaler to deal with the constant coughing. She’s worried that her lung capacity is permanently reduced, which I really hope isn’t the case. I still haven’t been back to the gym because any big exertion makes me break down into coughing fits. We’ll have to see how things go on the health front.
I had big worries about a financial crisis on Thursday, which thankfully somehow fixed itself. When we woke up on Thursday morning, we noticed it was insanely hot in the bedroom. Looking at the thermometer on the wall, we realized it was 86 degrees Fahrenheit (about 30 degrees Celsius). Something had gone wrong the heat, causing it to run continually. Adjusting the thermostat didn’t help, and even completely disconnecting and unwiring the thermostat didn’t change things. To get the heat to stop, I had to actually turn off the breakers connected to our heating system. I put in a call to an HVAC tech, but he never called back. Frustrated, I re-wired the thermostat, flipped the breaker back on, and… it just worked like before. I have no idea why, but it’s fixed. And now I’ve learned how to wire a thermostat, so that’s cool.
Finally, Valentine’s Day. Morgana and I made a deal to not get each other anything for Valentine’s Day because we’d spent so much on the Ghost tickets.
We both broke this rule.
Then on Saturday we actually did our date, which consisted of us seeing a double feature at the movies (we saw Love Hurts, then Captain America: Brave New World), and had dinner at a seafood restaurant. The restaurant had one of those fun jukeboxes that you could control through a phone app, so the whole place got to listen to Ghost and K-pop. Judging by the music they’d been playing up until that point, it wasn’t exactly their jam. I also threw in a few They Might Be Giants songs, for good measure.
In the words of Moist Cr1TiKaL: That’s about it. C’ya.
Keep the legends alive!
– Nine
Hang in there, the Steam fever rush will pass and hopefully the game will have the success it deserves on that platform. Are you planning release on other platforms too? Like GOG or Oppaiman?
I’m glad your thermostat is working again, it would suck if you were stuck without heat or being over heated.
Have a great week!