Worked on stuff! Didn’t do a whole lot in my personal life! Here come the “exciting” details!

Game Update

One of the scenes has now become fully completed! Written, coded, rendered, and fully done. That scene is also the framework for the entire ending, so it’s technically the first scene chronologically as well. I created the sets for a few other scenes, which isn’t terribly exciting, but I really like arranging little clutter details around to make places feel “alive”. I dunno how much of that even gets noticed, but there’s something weird about seeing a whole bunch of horizontal surfaces that are completely bare (possibly because there’s no uncluttered horizontal surfaces in our entire house). 

I’m not sure if I can get much work done in this coming week, however. Reasons being listed in the next section…

Personal Update

… which is this section! My parents are going on a cruise starting tomorrow, which means they need me to take care of their dogs while they’re gone. Astute long-time followers may know that this has happened several times before, and yes it’s annoying every time it happens. Basically, I can’t bring their dogs to my place because the HOA wouldn’t allow it, as well as our cat would just completely abuse them. For that same reason, I can’t just pack up the cat and stay at my parent’s house. So I’ll be doing a bunch of back and forth to check on my parents’ dogs. 

Sure, Morgana could stay here while I stay there, but I would get major anxiety being separated for that long. I’m a big ol’ pile of insecurity.

The only thing of note that happened otherwise this week was me throwing up, I guess. Y’see, Final Fantasy XIV is having this promotion where if you get three drinks from Gong Cha you can get an in-game mount. We went to get Korean BBQ and there’s a Gong Cha right next door, so I decided to see if they had the mount codes. They did, but you have to order the specific FFXIV-themed drinks to get it. I’m allergic to tea, but I was delighted to see one of the three drinks was a mango slushie. Yay!

Then I got ill, because for some fucking reason their mango slushie has tea in it.

I was mostly keeping myself somewhat together, but I also had to clean out my car because I’m driving my parents to their boat tomorrow. With a heat index of 104F (40C), and already feeling queasy from the tea, my body decided it didn’t want food inside of it anymore. Though for the first time in years, my car is clean! 

Chapter Six To-Do:

  • Outline – Done!
  • Closing Credits Sequence
  • Chapter Six Scenes
    • Whodunnit? – Complete!
    • I Can Has Murder? – Written!
    • Gehenna – Written!
    • Personally Victimized by Regina George – Written!
    • On Your Wedding Day – Written!
    • Divine Deception – Written!
    • I’m Kickin’ My Ass! – Written!
    • Thin Black Line – Written!
    • Violating the Traditions – Written!
    • Rogue Nation – Written!
    • Mordred Ascendant – Written!
    • A Childhood Lost – Written!
    • I’m With the Band – Written!
    • Drumroll, Please! – Written!
    • France is Bacon – Written!
    • Merlin’s Declaration – Written!
    • Curtain Call – Written!
    • Epilogue – Writing…
  • Chapter Six Achievements (2/15)
  • New Music (1/?)
  • Tales from Mythos: [Title Redacted] (0/1)
  • Gong Cha drinks containing tea: All of them, apparently!

And that’s a wrap on July! August is my birthday month, and it’s looking kinda busy on many weekends. Can I survive turning 45?

Keep the legends alive!
– Nine