Wanna start this off by letting you know there will not be an update next week! I’m going to take the weekend to relax for my 45th birthday. Now let’s talk about this week’s update.

Game Update

I did a bunch of achievement renders, as well as finished up the final draft of “Like, Comment, and Survive”. That was sent off to the beta readers and all the revisions are done. I know I’ve said this a few times, but now I totally, super mean it when I say all the writing is done! The coding is basically almost done as well, but because I incorporated most of the coding into the writing that was sent to the beta readers, that was practically a non-issue anyway. 

Personal Update

I had my physical this week, and was given a nice stack of referrals that I’m affectionately calling my “welcome to middle-age starter pack”. Colonoscopy, chest x-ray, and bloodwork. Got an EKG (which came out good!), blood sugar test (still a little high, but I’d just eaten beforehand), weight (went up a bit, somehow?!), and the normal shit. 

We went to the opening day of the Maryland Renaissance Festival, where Morgana and I both got some surprisingly reasonable additions to our garb (she got new boots, and I got a new tricorn hat to enter my “Pirate Nine” era). I am now recovering from spending all day outdoors and upright. 

I really am getting old…

Yes, I know many of my readers are older than me, but I’m feeling old — I’m told that’s what really matters!

Chapter Six To-Do:

  • Outline – Done!
  • Closing Credits Sequence — Written!
  • Chapter Six Scenes
    • Whodunnit? – Rendering…
    • I Can Has Murder? – Written!
    • Gehenna – Written!
    • Personally Victimized by Regina George – Written!
    • On Your Wedding Day – Written!
    • Divine Deception – Written!
    • I’m Kickin’ My Ass! – Written!
    • Thin Black Line – Written!
    • Violating the Traditions – Written!
    • Rogue Nation – Written!
    • Mordred Ascendant – Written!
    • A Childhood Lost – Written!
    • I’m With the Band – Written!
    • Drumroll, Please! – Written!
    • France is Bacon – Written!
    • Merlin’s Declaration – Written!
    • Curtain Call – Written!
    • Epilogue – Written!
  • Chapter Six Achievements (5/15)
  • New Music (1/?)
  • Tales from Mythos: Like, Comment, and Survive (1/1)
  • Blood Pressure (125/82)

 That’s all I got for this week! As the horrible old school song goes: See you in September!

Keep the legends alive!
– Nine