Another burst of writing done, and… not a whole lot else of note, but let’s do this!

Game Update

As I finished up the epilogue and the first draft of the final “Tales from Mythos” entry (which I’ve unredacted the title of to make people wonder even more about what it is), I also decided to plot out the closing credits sequence! I don’t think I will do it in AfterEffects like the opening, because that seems a bit overkill. 

There’s also some “after credits” stuff, which maaaaaay be important to the future of Mythos. I’m okay revealing that here because by the time the chapter is out, I bet most of you will have forgotten I’d written this (if many people read it to begin with)!

Personal Update

My life was boring this week, for the most part. I’m actually struggling to put something in here at all. 

The only thing of note was that I did an escape room with some coworkers yesterday as our celebration for the end of our fiscal year. It was great, and as I was a child who grew up playing games like Maniac Mansion, Shadowgate, and Deja Vu, I was solving many of the puzzles with great alacrity. There were a few times when I was handed a puzzle, then it was a matter of “click, clack, click, DONE!” 

Don’t let that fool you, though — I’m still an idiot where it counts most!

Chapter Six To-Do:

  • Outline – Done!
  • Closing Credits Sequence — Written!
  • Chapter Six Scenes
    • Whodunnit? – Rendering…
    • I Can Has Murder? – Written!
    • Gehenna – Written!
    • Personally Victimized by Regina George – Written!
    • On Your Wedding Day – Written!
    • Divine Deception – Written!
    • I’m Kickin’ My Ass! – Written!
    • Thin Black Line – Written!
    • Violating the Traditions – Written!
    • Rogue Nation – Written!
    • Mordred Ascendant – Written!
    • A Childhood Lost – Written!
    • I’m With the Band – Written!
    • Drumroll, Please! – Written!
    • France is Bacon – Written!
    • Merlin’s Declaration – Written!
    • Curtain Call – Written!
    • Epilogue – Written!
  • Chapter Six Achievements (2/15)
  • New Music (1/?)
  • Tales from Mythos: Like, Comment, and Survive (1/1)
  • Days Until I Turn 45 — 13

I should get back on the rendering grind this coming week, which doesn’t make for much more interesting updates, but it does mean possible preview renders as header images for the weekly updates!

Keep the legends alive!
– Nine