Heyo, folks! It’s my weekly check-in, yay!
This week I actually started on some of the new music in the game. There won’t be a whole lot of new tunes, but some characters that didn’t have themes are going to be getting them (Sylvia, Aiden, Cecil, Desmond, and a new character). I also finished the “Apologies to the Serling Estate” re-write so I’ll be getting back to renders on that.
This coming Tuesday is when the “Ask the Dev” article is going up, so get all your questions in by Sunday night!
One question that came up had to do with possible Mythos crossovers. While part of that was addressed in the interview earlier this week, there was some more evidence of it in Panacea by BC Games! This diner and waitress sure do look familiar…

Now on to some not-so-great news that could be causing delays, or at least giving me less time to work on Mythos (other than me having a full-time job, a spouse, and like… maybe two hobbies).
I should have mentioned this last week, but I forgot. When I visited my doctor last week, she let me know that my A1C number kinda… shot up. Without boring you with details (either because you know what it means, or because you don’t really care), basically I need to get in better shape or I’ll be diabetic. I do not want to be diabetic. Thus, I’m going to actually start using the gym membership I’ve been paying for, along with cutting down on rice and stuff like that. Maybe I’ll stop eating entire rows of Oreos at a time, even!
Along with this, my Daz (the graphic software I use for all the pretty girls) decided to kinda… screw itself up? I spent a lot of time categorizing my assets into a custom database thing, but it seems like it just stopped liking that database. On one hand, it sucks that I lost my structure — but on the bright side, I discovered (thanks to IT Roy) that there’s a way better way to categorize it that Daz can’t just decide to randomly eat. That’s not really going to slow down production a whole lot, so much as it’s some cleanup I’m going to have to be doing soonish.
In addition, FFXIV’s Endwalker expansion is going to be dropping in about three weeks. I’m going to attempt to have some self-discipline and balance my game-playing time with my game-making time… but if Endwalker sucks me in to the exclusion of everything else, I will be putting my Patreon on pause for one month so I can deal with that. I would normally say “if you want to cancel your subscription during that month, I understand,” but I have some yearly subs and that wouldn’t be fair to them to pay for a month of not getting any benefits. It will not mean I’m stopping Mythos! It just means I’m taking time to enjoy the one game I play; and I’d need to get through the story part quickly, else someone will spoil that shit for me and I will be livid.
But hey! At least I got that big-ass hard drive working, so that’s a load off my mind.
Stuff completed:
- Complete Side Image Revamp (135 images)
- Story Flow Chart
Stuff in progress:
- Creation of a few more characters (1/?)
- Scene: Apologies to the Serling Estate (Re-written, now rendering)
- Scene: Doctor’s Orders (New Scene! Writing)
Stuff to do:
- Scene: It Goes to 11
- Scene: Shantae, You Stay
- Scene: Ah, My Goddess!
- Scene: Touched by an Angel
- Scene: Fuck the Police
- Scene: Ventrilo Harassment
- Scene: It’s Been Revoked
- Scene: Who Ya Gonna Call?
- Scene: Cry Little Sister
- Scene: Fancy
- Scene: The Lyin’ Bitch and her Wardrobe
- Scene: My Immortal
- Scene: Magic, the Gathering
- Scene: Grumpy Old Men
- Scene: Werther’s Original
- Sex Animations (0/8 – why do I do this to myself?)
- New Music Tracks (1/7, maybe?)
- Chapter Three Title Screen (yay, more work for Morgi)
- Remember to put silly things at the end of each checklist
Keep the Legends Alive!
– Nine