This is gonna be a brief check-in more than anything else. I posted to most social media (whatever I could remember) that this would be a day late in coming, and I still really can’t find a way to post a full-on update so I’ll just at least let you all in...
Hello, Mythies! And hello April! And hello to me starting to feel like crap because this weather blooooooows. I don’t know if it’s the weather or not, though I do tend to feel like garbage as things get warmer. It’s also been non-stop raining and...
What’s up, Mythies?! DJ Costco Hotdog is comin’ at you live from B-more!!! … I’m sorry, I don’t know why I said that. It’s Friday Update time! Woo! There after the scene I just got proofread yesterday, there are only four left to...
Hello, Mythies, Mythites, and Mythoids! No, I don’t know what that means. I just had a lil’ Dr. Demento moment. This week was good! Gave my proofreaders a little break as I focused on renders before going on to write any more scenes. Basically,...
Greetings, and happy Ides of March, I guess! Is that something you wish people “happy” on? Probably not. Whatever. Not a whole lot to report, this week! I finished writing two more scenes, and spent a lot of time struggling with trying to get this new...
This has been a miserable week, but not for Mythos-related reasons! Some nasty, nasty business has struck my guts twice, which actually had me miss a day and a half of my mortal job because I couldn’t even sit up without abdominal cramps. I hope this is just my...