Just a quick update this week so nobody worries! To get this out of the way quickly: We still haven’t gotten Morgana’s test results back, but she and I are both getting better about not worrying too much until we know for sure what’s happening....
Let me start off by saying that the header image isn’t a render of mine (perhaps obviously). It’s a screenshot from Spirit City: Lofi Sessions, which has helped my focus immensely. I’m pretty happy with the avatar customization since I feel like that...
I always try to keep these things divided between news on the game and news in my personal life, so I’m thinking of maybe using headers to divide them up for people who only care about one and not the other. Let’s see how this works! Mythos News I actually...
Oh, wow… for the first time since I’ve started Mythos, I actually forgot to post a weekly update. I’m so sorry about that! As you know, I have a lot on my plate right now, not that I wanna make excuses for my failures or anything. So let’s get...
Hey, Mythies! It’s a short update this week because I can’t really show you much of what I did, because my time was bouncing between turning the existing written scenes into code (which wasn’t too hard, because I write them in quasi-code already) and...
Hey, y’all! I know it’s another update coming a day later than usual, but the whole reason I changed the name of these things from “Friday Update” to “Weekly Update” is so I wouldn’t get chained down to a particular day. Much...