Mythies! Release is imminent… for… some. So the beta testing for the “final” build is winding down — more on why that’s in quotes in a bit. There’s a few more steps to take before I put it up on Steam, but there will be a bit of a...
Not a whole lot to go over this week, either for personal or for Mythos work. The beta test is running longer than I thought, as I dropped my beta build on my testers with like… no warning, and they have lives outside of testing my silly game. They started this...
I’m so close to having everything ready… but now it’s down to me waiting on others. Allow me to explain! Game Update I worked my lil’ tail off to get two major things done this week, and both were completed! First order of business was me...
Progress hit a lil’ speed bump, but it’s still progressin’! Game Update I was really hoping that the Steam demo would be up by now, but what I didn’t realize is that, despite being a “subpage” of the main game, you need to make and...
Last week’s update was on Steam, but they won’t all be! In fact, most won’t. Like this one. Game Update So based on my original plans last year, I’d wanted Mythos to be out by Valentine’s Day, which just passed. I already let you all...
This week was… bad. But I don’t feel bad for it being bad, if that makes sense! The plan was simple: Come back from MAGFest with a week off work to get shit done. I felt good about this on Monday, though I had a little bit of a sore throat. Tuesday is when...