It’s time, Mythies! The final battery of questions for our beleaguered cast! Not quite as many as last time, but I think a lot of people have a good grasp on what these characters are all about.
… or they think they do. Let’s see if any of y’all can find out the big ol’ hints I dropped. My biggest one in the last “Ask the Cast” still hasn’t been discovered…

Which would you rather team up with for a day/hunt: Dean or Sam from Supernatural?
Tara: Well, Sam would prolly get me killed, Dean would prolly die horribly for me. Would get laid either way though so… Dean cuz of the sweet car!
Do you need something to use your abilities, or do you just have to want it and things happen? I mean do you just have to want to turn into a wolf, or do you have to go through some kind of ritual first?
Tara: It kinda depends. Bein’ a Wild Talent means that some stuff comes naturally. Like doin’ somethin’ that’s a quick jolt of magic is just a matter of me kinda willin’ it to happen. To turn into an animal, I gotta kinda focus and feel the energy flowin’ through me. I think “normal” Mages often have to do incantations or stuff like that, but that ain’t me. The problem is… bein’ a Wild Talent, sometimes my magic happens without me wantin’ it to. That’s why I’m glad Rain gave me this pendant!

A three part question:
- How did you like the movie “The Mummy”?
- Which did you prefer, Evelyn or Anck Su Namun?
- What would it take to see you dressed up like Anck Su Namun did when in the Pharaoh’s Quarters? (The scene where she and Imhotep get it on before the Pharaoh walks in.)
Sophia: Ah, the Mummy. It naturally was not a very… accurate portrayal of some things, but it was enjoyable enough. I certainly preferred Evelyn, for what may be rather obvious reasons. As for seeing me, ah… “dressed up” in that outfit… I am not certain. Perhaps if the mood strikes me.
Nine: Or if someone asks for it in a commission.
Sophia: (Sigh) There is that…
What do you make of the coins that the police all seem to have, now?
Sophia: Well, they most certainly seem to be some sort of mystical focus that is likely the cause of their sort of “mass hysteria”, but beyond that I can not discern specifically what they could represent. One is reminded of Judas’ “thirty pieces of silver”, though these coins are made of gold. Perhaps even the cost of betrayal is not immune to inflation?
If something has been written down once, and then destroyed, can you still read it?
Sophia: I can… so long as it was destroyed by mundane means. Oddly enough, if a record is destroyed through some magical methods, that information is no longer available to me unless I made a specific effort to seek out that information before it was destroyed.
As a goddess, are your powers limited by your domain, or can you apply what you read? (In principle; I can read the description of a spell, but I don’t have magic power.)
Sophia: I believe I understand your thinking, here. For your magical example, I do not believe this would work. Mortal magic takes a special sort of soul to perform, so even if I were to read the details of how to perform a particular spell, I would not be able to perform it in the same way. Regardless, mortal spellcasters’ writings are not accessible to my inner library, so I would have to actually have access to their physical texts to even attempt such a thing.
Now as for actual mundane techniques, there is some applications that I could pursue, to an extent. For example, in theory, I know how to operate any machinery ever created. In practice, the academics behind any action are somewhat removed from the actual practice. Think of operating an automobile, for example: One could know from reading how braking, turning, and other functions are performed, but that’s vastly different from actually driving. In theory, I could fly an F-16 fighter jet… but it would likely not be done well.
B: Yeah, even Sesh can’t do that refueling minigame in Top Gun on the NES…
Sophia: Nobody can do that! It is impossible!!!

Are you always hungry?
B: I’m not… always hungry, no. In fact, I don’t really need to eat or breathe or anything like that. My body is just a transubstantited manifestation of a human form that I can use to blend in. I can still feel and taste and everything, but my insides aren’t really organs and stuff.
Tara: Wait… so where does the food go?
B: I dunno.
Tara: So you don’t poop?!
B: Not unless I want to, I guess. I’ve never wanted to.
Tara: Do you even have a butthole?
B: What’s with this line of questioning?!?
Do you have any other siblings besides Rami? The Book of Genesis mentions twenty Fallen.
B: Well, let’s be clear here; no mortal text is going to have complete accuracy about anything Celestial. We’re talkin’ thousands of years of translation, re-translation, biases, typos… the whole thing. Also, “fallen” is a really subjective term. Kinda like “Demon,” ya know? Like, loosely speaking, the closest we have to “demons” are the Celestials like Ennai who were stuck in Tartarus for pissing off the wrong high-powered Celestials. The one you’d call “Lucifer” isn’t even imprisoned; they’re still active amongst the Celestials like Seshat and me!
Anyway, to answer your question, there’s a few other Celestials that are kinda close to me, but none that I worked with as closely as I did with Rami.
I can see why you haven’t had sex with humans before, but in 40,000 years there hasn’t been a god that has caught your attention?
B: Ehhh… it’s weird. Not really? In the real early days we didn’t have those kinds of urges at all, but as we gained more form in the mortal consciousness, we started to get mortal desires. Some of us more than others.
Yes, I’m talking about Zeus, here. Not to speak ill of the dead, of course…
You seem to be among a tough crowd, kind of beset by both sides, but your regret makes you uniquely relatable to humans, and therefore a lot of us root for you. You also appear to be the only Celestial who we can be sure is capable of change. What can you tell us about that?
B: Oh, man… I’m the relatable Celestial! Haha, suck on that, Sesh!
Sophia: Very mature.
B: But seriously, I think y’all may be mostly underestimating Celestials in general, in that regard. I can’t be the only one that followed Aten that regrets their choice. Hell, there’s probably some others who regret not following Aten. I guess, in this first game, you really only mostly see me and Seshat, and she talks like a fuckin’ weirdo so I seem more “human” in comparison.
Sophia: I do not talk like a “weirdo!”
B: Not using contractions and abbreviations is pretty weird, bro.
Sophia: That does not make me weird. It only means I am not lazy.
Also, how much would you charge to fix my router?
B: Seven.
Mara: … seven what?
B: That’s not for me to figure out!
Android or Apple?
B: I’m not a huge fan of Android or anything, but I am super against Apple. So between those two: Android. I mean… the iconography of Apple alone should make that much apparent… but in addition to all that, their proprietary bullshit and cultish followers are a huge turnoff for me.
Have you ever accidentally smote someone with your lightning? If so, why?
B: Accidentally? No.

Are there limits to your mind control? Are you in complete control of the target’s will, or can you not make them do everything?
Rain: It depends on a few factors. Foremost is the strength of the target’s willpower; there are some beings out there I simply cannot mentally dominate. Basically any Celestial is off-limits to my abilities. But almost every human is easily pliable to my powers.
If I can get a grasp on their mind at all, for the most part there’s not much I couldn’t make them do. However, being as they’ll remember it, and probably realize I’m the one that made them do it, it’s not something I exercise lightly.
When you talk about “your people”, do you mean fairies or your tribe?
Rain: I think context matters a lot, here. Typically, when I say “my people” I’m talking about either the Fae in general, or the Pagwadjinini. The mortal tribes I interacted with aren’t those I usually call my own.

Who is the best detective on TV, and why is it Monk? (Other options such as Shawn from Psych, Magnum from Magnum PI, or Shinichi from Case Closed are acceptable as well.)
Mara: Oh, man, that’s such a broad question, though! Yeah, Monk is great, but so is Columbo! How loosely are we defining “detective?” Dale Cooper isn’t a detective, per se, but he’s a great investigator! Do Mulder and Scully count, in this? Jessica Fletcher? The Mystery Gang?
Ky: Good lord, we’d better move on, or she’ll keep going…
Who’s idea was the visit to Ky’s? Yours or Lowman’s?
Mara: It was Lowman’s, for sure! I didn’t even know where we were going!
Lowman: It wasn’t my fault!

With two years of tension building up, who do you want to “finish you?” (Besides the MC.)
Lisa: Is… is this a sex question?
Ky: Yeah, I think this is a sex question.
Lisa: Ugh, bunch of degenerates. For one thing, I didn’t even realize two years had passed! For me, it’d only been a few hours since I last saw Ky, and we were still a couple. But if you’re asking who I’d bang other than Ky… hmm…
Monica: *Cough*
Lisa: … honestly, probably Tara or Becky.
Monica: Wow. WOW.
Becki (With an I): You spelled my name wrong!
Lisa: What are you talking about?! I just said it out loud!

What did you do before you became an agent?
Monica: Wot, back ‘ome? I wa–
Lisa: Hold on, hold the fuck on… Book One is called “Lisa’s Story” and all I got was the sex question?!
Monica: Oi, yeh, and I note I wasn’t on the list! Can ye let me ‘ave my time, now?!
Lisa: No, this is bullshit! You get a question about your past, and I just have someone asking who’s genitals I wanna touch!
Monica: It’s not even me only question…
Lisa: Oh, are you kidding me?!
What is the weapon you use?
Monica: Well, I like to keep me equipment BiS, so I got a pentamelded level 90 relic weapon for each o’ me tank classes–
Ky: I… I think they were asking about the thing you shot at me with.
Monica: Oh, that? That was just a standard issue Q-36 Laser Modulation Pistol.
Lisa: Two questions, neither about who you’d fuck. Unbelievable.
Monica: Oh, come off it, already!

What’s something you wish people would ask you about, but they don’t?
Becki (With an I): I get hundreds, sometimes thousands of questions a day on my videos and podcasts. One thing people never ask me about, though… hmm…
Lisa: Who you’d fuck?
Becki (With an I): Are you really gonna keep harping on that?!
There’s a picture on your social media with you in front of a Bug, taken across the street from Lisa’s and yours’ apartment building. Who took that picture?
Becki (With an I): Ooooh, that picture was from a while ago! I think that day I was actually coming back from a shoot with Phil… or was it Cameron? One of those photographers with fake glasses. They suggested it, really. They said a photo of me in front of something junky would make me look relatable or something.
Lisa: Junky?! I love that car!
Tara: Finally, somethin’ got her to stop bitchin’ about the sex question…
Lisa: I can be mad at two things at once!!!
Ky: (Under their breath) More than two…
Lisa: (Glaring) Make that three…
Nine: Er, Lisa… maybe stop distracting the rest of the cast from their questions…?
Lisa: Ugh. Fine.
How close is your room to Lisa’s in the apartment building you shared? Same floor? Neighbors?
Becki (With an I): Same floor? No no, Lisa lived on the ground floor. I had the penthouse.
Has your mother had any dealing with the people who threw the gala? If so, did she start feeling better after meeting with them?
Becki (With an I): Why would my mom be talking to Sylvia DuBois? That’d be weird. She’s not a socialite, like me. She just keeps to herself and enjoys life, now that I can support her financially. She’s enjoying her early retirement and so happy that her health turned around. We’re really blessed to have our lives and I love my followers for making this possible.
How do you feel about Lisa not being dead-dead? Are you going to finish her?
Nine: (Staring intently at Lisa)
Lisa: I’m not saying anything!!! I’ll be good!
Becki (With an I): … right. Well, I’m glad she’s not dead? Or… is she dead? I’m still pretty confused about that. Anyway, she did have me on her “smash list”, so I guess I could “finish” her in that regard…
Tara: Hah! They probably think you killed ‘er!
Becki (With an I): Seriously? I have way too much to lose. I wouldn’t throw that away by murdering someone. Especially someone I haven’t talked to in forever.
Do you like the sun or the moon better?
Becki (With an I): The sun, for sure! It means I can wear my bikinis, and it also makes for way better lighting for my complexion.

What happened to the previous ruler of your territory?
Sylvia: The former Vampire leader, I assume you mean? They decided to retire is all I know. I’ve no idea where they are, these days.

Do you support euthanasia?
Desmond: What an odd thing to ask me. At any rate, yes, I do. If a person wishes to pass, I’d think it’s fully within their rights to do so.

Did you have a personal problem with the Mongols? (I’m referring to the destruction of the invasion fleet against Japan.)
Rami: Getting historical on me, huh? Anyway, I know it may look like some kind of divine intervention happened with Kublai Khan, especially storm-related divine intervention, but sometimes weather is just weather, ya know?

(With a concerned look) Uhhh, you’re not afraid of dogs, are you? (Looks over her shoulder)
Rin: Puppy?! Where?!? (Rin looks around before darting off to find a puppy)

How easily are you learning magic?
Violet: I’m doing really well!
Desmond: …
Violet: In some areas.
I admit it, you’ve got me curious. Can you tell us something interesting about seals?
Violet: It’s illegal to hug them. Trust me on this.

Who’s the person you most suspect of Cult of the Void activity?
Ennai: That’s the tricky part to all this, isn’t it? If you’re an obvious agent of the Cult of the Void, you get eliminated pretty quickly. If you’re good at it… nobody may ever know you’re involved. That’s why I pretty much distrust anybody that’s not a regular mortal… which is basically everyone Ky hangs around with.
Mara: … everyone?
Ennai: I said what I said.
Did you like the Avengers movies?
Ennai: Oooh, someone figured it out, huh? Aren’t you clever. Or maybe you didn’t and you genuinely wanna know what I think about the MCU. If that’s the case, I can’t really say much, because I haven’t actually seen them. But even someone mostly detached from the mortal world, like myself, knows about them and generally who the major characters are. I guess all I can really say on the matter is I want to be the meat in a Chris sandwich. Stuck between Hemsworth and Evans… I could go back to Tartarus happily after that.

What are you investigating now?
Lowman: If by “now” you mean like… February of 2024, just some mundane cases in Baltimore City. If you mean at the current point of Mythos: Book One, between Chapters 5 and 6: Nothing.
Was your attitude toward the MC a good cop/bad cop play, or did you just have a problem with them?
Lowman: I… don’t really remember.

Who, specifically, is the blood of the Valkyrie? The short blonde or tall redhead?
Lilith: Tara, obviously.
Nine: You’re… you’re supposed to be kinda vague so that people can figure things out, or have fun with the answers.
Lilith: I don’t care. Tara’s grandmother was a Valkyrie. I have more spoilers, too, if you really wan–

Is there something really special about your cousin Tara?
Reba: She’s probably the most tolerable member of my family… not that that’s sayin’ much.
Tara: Hah, thanks. Though really, if you wanna see what she’s talking about, you should check out the game she’s in: Come Home, by RJ Rhodes!

Do you intend to get more involved in Ky’s investigations?
The Waitress: I don’t know what you mean. I’m not involved in anything. I’m just a regular diner owner.

To the Main Cast: You folks ready for Book 2?
Tara: Are we even allowed to answer this?
Sophia: It looks like it may tie in nicely with the next question.
B: Oooh, yeah… we can probably do both of those at once.
To the Main Cast: Which of you hasn’t had your contract renewed for Book Two? *Cough*
Rain: Clever way of asking that, isn’t it?
Mara: Yeah, that looks like two questions in a row asking if we’re going to live through this game or not.
Lisa: Some of us technically didn’t even live through the beginning of this game!
Ky: I think I’m the only one allowed to answer for spoiler reasons; yes, I’m ready for Book Two! And yes, my “contract” has been rewnewed!
For the Lightning of God and her counterpart: Raven or Starfire (you can’t say both)?
B: Oooh, interesting question. Starfire for me.
Rami: Really? Raven for me.
B: That’s so Rami.
Anyone: Who do you currently think is most likely the killer?
Violet: Is… is it me?
Cecil: You’re not even a suspect…
Violet: Oh, thank god.
Ennai: Well, now I think it’s Violet.
Violet: What? Why?
Ennai: Because neither of us are suspects, so we can say anything we like here without bringing suspicion on ourselves.
Violet: Oh! Good idea! I think it was the seals.
Jessica Lee: Nobody is gonna say it’s the cat?
Lowman: Did you only speak up so people would remember you exist?
Jessica Lee: Rude. Accurate, but rude.
Anyone: How would your ideal date go?
Mara: First we’d go shooting…
B: I’d wanna go around stuffing potatoes in people’s tailpipes.
Rami: You mean their car’s exhaust?
B: … sure.
Sophia: We would go to a bookstore and buy brain teaser and puzzle books, then solve them together in a quiet cafe.
Tara: I wanna hear more about Mara’s shootin’ range idea…
Becki (With an I): Shooting range? Aw, I was hoping she meant like a photoshoot.
Anyone: Name up to three songs you secretly love. New, old, it doesn’t matter.
Ky: So… they can’t be songs we openly love? Like songs you don’t want people knowing you like…
Tara: (Sigh) Twice – “What is Love?”
Sophia: Jackson 5 – “I Want You Back”
B: Ugh… Brad Paisley – “Online”
Rain: Oooh, no… Well, if everyone else is doing it: Billy Joel – “We Didn’t Start the Fire”
Mara: (Looking down, muttering) Shake it Off...
Lisa: “I Cain’t Say No” from Oklahoma…
Becki (With an I): Spillways.
Aiden: Fine. Jimmy Buffett – Volcano.
Nine: OPM – Heaven is a Half-Pipe
Ky: Um… this was only for the cast. Ask the Dev is next month!
Nine: Oh… right, yeah… my bad.
The Waitress: OPM – Heaven is a Half-Pipe

Why did you do it? WHY DID YOU MAKE KYLIE SAD???
The Murderer: As if Kylie’s feelings had anything to do with it…
And that’s a wrap! As I said before, this is the final “Ask the Cast” for Book One, which means it may have been your last chance to ask some of these characters anything. Let’s hope your favourite survives into Book Two…
Keep the Legends Alive!
– Nine