This week was… bad. But I don’t feel bad for it being bad, if that makes sense!

The plan was simple: Come back from MAGFest with a week off work to get shit done. I felt good about this on Monday, though I had a little bit of a sore throat. Tuesday is when I started coughing a lot. Wednesday is when Morgana got sent home from work with a high fever. Long story short (too late!) — we got COVID. Again. My second time, Morgana’s third. 

I didn’t think it would be a big deal, since I was already off work that week. But as I got sicker, I got that famous “brainfog” that made it practically impossible to focus on anything for very long. It’s been a hard week, but I’m thankfully feeling better. Morgana is still testing positive, but it seems her fever is gone at least. 

Sadly, this means I just got one scene’s worth of re-renders done (there was depth-of-field issues for one entire scene, because I suck at seeing blurriness). Thankfully there’s not many other graphical issues to tend to, and being as a few of my testers are also coders they’re basically fixing the bugs they find for me. 

However, I’m still forced to push the proposed release date of Book One out until March, at the earliest. My Steam wishlist numbers are still a bit lower than I’d like anyway, so this will give me a chance to do an advertising push. I will still do an early release for the supporters on the various platforms, but the Steam release will be the big hooplah, as it were. 

I’m not sure how much sense I’m making, so I’ll cut it off, here.

Keep the legends alive!
– Nine