Heya, Mythies! Long time no see!

So yeah, I missed last week’s update. I had a good reason, though! In case you missed it… Mythos now has a page on Steam!

Check out the page, here!

There’s a lot behind making a Steam page. Like way more than I’d thought! I had to get all kinds of review stuff, tax information, and then there was building the page itself. I’m not totally satisfied with it still, though — if you have any suggestions on what to add/change, please please please let me know.

However, this also means big things for the future of Mythos! What does it mean? Glad you asked! I’ll do a full FAQ as it’s own page after I have the time to hear some actual questions from other people, but for now…

It’s the Obligatory Mythos Steam FAQ!

Why put Mythos on Steam?

I wasn’t sure about it at first. Then, seeing other devs make the jump, I started realizing just how many more eyes I could get on the story if it were on Steam. Plus… I actually have a real shot at making a living off my writing. That’s a long way off, if it happens at all, but this is a bit of a test to see just how much interest I can get on the big stage.

Is Mythos still free?

For now, it still is! I don’t wanna paywall the ending of Book One for all of you who have been invested in the story without paying a dime. That’d feel pretty scummy of me. So after the final chapter is complete, I will upload it for free as I’ve always done, and it will be available for free for a short time. After that period, the game will be available for $9.99 (I think. I wanted it to be all nines because I’ma whore for thematic stuff).

What about Patreon/SubscribeStar members?

Basically, not much changes. Members who get the game early now will still get it early for Book Two and beyond. I’ll have to look into if I should have it available for direct download for those members, or if they get Steam keys. I also know not everyone uses Steam, so that could complicate that issue. This part is kinda in flux, but basically I don’t want anything to change for paid supporters.

What about itch.io customers?

If you bought the game through itch.io, you still have it. When it goes fully live on Steam, there will be a set price to whatever the price on Steam is settled on.

I saw something on the Steam page about new features.

That’s not a question!

What are the new features hinted at on the Steam page?

That’s more like it! Yes, there will be more features added.

  • When you unlock an achievement in the game, that achievement will also unlock in Steam! Neat! I don’t know if there’s a way to do this retroactively, because I don’t think the non-Steam version of Mythos can function with the Steam version like that.
  • Available in both versions is the new NSFW-free toggle! If you activate this option, the game will skip over any of the dirty bits. You can still “hook up” with the characters as before, but the sex scene won’t play. For the Dominant/Submissive flags for certain characters, they’ll default to “vanilla” (if you’re not doing sex scenes those flags don’t matter anyway).

    If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or Jenna Ortega’s phone number, please let me know! 

    As for personal life updates… um… had my birthday, started making my own cold brew at home (it’s very good!)… nothing really of interest other than this whole Steam thing. Which, to be fair, is a pretty big thing!

    Keep the legends alive!

    – Nine 
