Nine is having a rough go of it, this week! We gotta start with… immediately after I posted my update last Friday!

I’ll get the game stuff out of the way first; I’ve made very little progress this week. Partially because of all the personal life crap going on (as you may read below, if you care), but partly because the scene I’m working on (Doing the Dailies) is proving to be immensely difficult. It only has three characters in it, but the assets are being a pain to work with, the renders are taking forever, and I spent an entire night searching for an outfit that was really crucial to the scene that I knew I had but couldn’t locate because I forgot the actual name of it.

Now on to the craptacularity that is my life for the past seven days.

Baltimore Comic-Con was happening over the weekend. Morgana and I weren’t planning on going, because she’s gone away this weekend (more on that later), but on Friday she got a message from her friend back in Louisiana. An artist she absolutely adores was going to be at the event, and she wanted to know if she could send us money for us to get an autograph for her. We agreed, and actually ended up enjoying ourselves more than we’d thought. I even got an autograph from Sarah of “Sarah’s Scribbbes!”

Despite the fun, that is an entire day that was taken up out of my weekend unexpectedly. The other thing that took a big chunk out of my time was a friend of ours is now going through a divorce and she wanted some time away from her home, so we naturally obliged with that.

I took off work Tuesday and Wednesday of this week, which may sound weird but there were some department meetings that I just didn’t feel like sitting through, so I took two vacation days. I figured I could just get my oil changed on one day, then take in Morgana’s car for the other (her driver’s side window isn’t working, for some reason). When I took my car in on Tuesday, they found… quite a bit wrong with it. Long story short, that was a sudden $2600 expenditure I wasn’t expecting. They also had to order the parts, so I had to go back to have it done, thus Morgana’s car still has a non-functioning window.

There’s also been a ton of stress at work. I don’t wanna get into the basics (I rant enough about it in my Discord), but long story short: We had someone quit in my department, so I had to pick up the responsibility of some extra branches while we find a replacement. One of the branch managers under me is possibly the most stupid person alive.

Finally, I’m sad because Morgana has gone away to the Mothman Festival. Originally I was going to go with her, but none of the hotels in the area would allow cats (even the “pet friendly” ones), so I’m staying home to give our kitty his insulin shots. This is the farthest apart we’ve been in ten years and my anxiety is through the roof. I hope she makes it back safely!

Sorry for that downer of an update! Hopefully better news about my personal life next week… though not likely, as next week marks my return to working in an office. ;_;

And hey, here’s a fun tidbit: As I go to publish this update, my site started breaking and saying I can’t publish it. Had to get my webmaster to look into things on the server side to figure out what was going on, there. 

At least Morgana misses me, right…?

Chapter Five Scene Progress: All scenes written and coded!

  • Fairy Tail, Part Two – Complete!
  • Doing the Dailies – Rendering
  • We Will Rock You – Rendering
  • Lobster Thermidor aux Crevettes with a Mornay Sauce, Served in a Provençale Manner, with Shallots and Aubergines, Garnished with Truffle Pâté, Brandy, and with a Fried Egg on Top — and Spam  Complete!
  • To Hell With Andrew Lloyd Weber Complete!
  • I Choose You!  Complete!
  • Sex Scene – Holding until after renders are done.

Chapter Five Other:

  • Chapter Five Achievements (0/4?)
    • Unnamed Mara Render
    • Canon Ship
    • My Heart Will Go On
    • Porno for Pyros
  • Car Troubles – Why do they keep happening to me?

Keep the Legends Alive!

– Nine