Mythies! Release is imminent… for… some.
So the beta testing for the “final” build is winding down — more on why that’s in quotes in a bit. There’s a few more steps to take before I put it up on Steam, but there will be a bit of a “pre-release” phase where I put out a complete version to the Mythies who have been waiting patiently for all this time.
As before, paying supporters (Patreon/SubscribeStar/ will be getting their version first. There’s an actual price set on now, so everyone there should be getting the full game.
Steam is going to be a different beast. Before the Steam release (which I can’t fully predict because Steam has to review the build before I can go live), I need to work out a few last things. Every time I put out the early release build to supporters, there are things that get picked dup that even my thorough Testies can’t detect, and there’s a few features I want to add that I don’t want holding up Book One any longer. It won’t be changing the story or gameplay at all, but when I’ve polished the game up as shiny as I can get it, that’s when I drop it on Steam. I’m also really, really hoping to get more wishlists.
Everyone who had the full game previously (again: Patreon/SubscribeStar/ will be getting this re-updated version as well. They can also request a Steam key if they’d prefer to play it that way. It’s looking likely that I’ll also be able to get those Steam Achievements as part of that release, so people who want to hunt achievements and don’t mind everyone knowing they’re playing a game with naughtiness (albeit not much) can do so.
So, why has this entire post been about releases? Because I think my Testies have tested every nook and cranny of the build. There’s some little bits of doubt on if saves from the last version will work, but I think we’ve mostly figured out how to make it so you don’t have to start from the beginning. Even if you did, though… it’s been over a year. You probably forgot shit. Also, you can remind yourself how hilarious I am.
I have a feeling the next post you see out of me will be me announcing the pre-Steam release build is out!
Keep the legends alive!
– Nine
I really don’t mind starting over from the beginning. Like you said, I’ve probably forgotten just about everything by now. I’ll probably do a full restart even if the old saves work.