Game Update Stuff

So, I know I’ve said this like many times before, but I’m seriously almost done the writing, now! I promise!

For this final scene, I’m not just writing the scene itself, but also giving the beta readers an entire synopsis of what happened in Mythos so that they could see the murderer’s motivations and how everything was going on “behind the scenes” during Book One. That way they’ll be able to say “hey, this wasn’t really clear in the scene” or “maybe you don’t need to make this point so blatant”. 

It turns out that trying to organize the notes and outline I write for myself into something that other people can understand is… challenging. What was just like 10 lines of text for me has become a five page synopsis that I feel bad for putting my beta readers through. The write-up explaining the ending is longer than the actual writing of the ending! 

Anyway, let’s hope I can get that ending to my beta readers this coming week so that I can go full-ass on the renders! 

Personal Update Stuff

We were really hoping to hear back about Morgana’s test results this week. We did not. It’s nerve-wracking to just… not know for sure one way or another. So sadly, I have no other news to offer in that regard. 

Morgana has set up an Etsy shop, because she found she really enjoyed vending her stickers last weekend! Not only that, but she’s planning on making Mythos stickers (the Nine of Swords logo and chibi versions of the characters)! If you ever wanted to slap a chibi Tara sticker on your water bottle or whatever, that dream may soon become a reality. This is also something we’re hoping for some extra income in case we get hit with the worst of medical news. We have insurance, but medical bankruptcy is still a very real possibility if things go too sideways. 

Thankfully for Morgana, we have a lovely distraction tomorrow that we’re very much looking forward to (as we do every year): DC Pride! Thus I won’t be able to do anything because I’ll be too busy partying in the streets of the capitol. 

However, since I’m old, I took Monday off to recover. I may be able to get some extra writing done then!

In Conclusion

One thing that came up during my last survey was regarding the different Book Two story ideas. Some people were interested in one of the story ideas, but was interested in a new character that was listed as being part of one of the other stories (for example, being interested in the Celestial story while really wanting to meet the scientist girl). Being as I plan to do all those stories eventually, I can introduce any of those characters before the story they were attached to, maybe even having them as a love interest! I’ll be putting up a poll on Patreon and SubscribeStar next week, with more information on each of them as well as renders of them so they can be voted on separately from their particular settings. 

Until then, keep the legends alive!
– Nine