Not a whole lot to go over this week, either for personal or for Mythos work.

The beta test is running longer than I thought, as I dropped my beta build on my testers with like… no warning, and they have lives outside of testing my silly game. They started this weekend in earnest, and whooo boy, do I have some stuff to fix! I’m going to be way more thorough with this beta than I was the previous chapters because this is the big finish. I want it to be perfect, and I don’t think anybody really blames me for that. 

Last week I put up the Steam Demo, which was exciting and also informative! I learned how to set the game launch parameters so that the game would actually run correctly on Mac and Linux. I can distribute it as a single package instead of separating Mac and PC versions. That’ll save time on uploading, at least. 

I’m still not totally sure on the final price. I was thinking $9.99 because that’s funny. Because I’m Nine. But then some other devs say I should do $12.99. 

As I’ve mentioned before, Morgana and I are struggling financially, so I really wanna get this right. So I’ll just stress over that for a while.

To all of you on the forum thread that say I worry too much: This is a joke; please don’t yell at me!

Anyway, that’s all I got for this week! In short: I really wanna get this done, but I don’t wanna rush it, but I also don’t wanna delay too long.

Keep the legends alive!
– Nine