Mythies! I know I said I may not post an update this week, but I decided I would because there’s also a chance I won’t post one next week. My life is hectic right now, but we’ll get to that in a bit (it’s not bad news). 

Game Update

I am thrilled with how the final scene is going. I decided to let my beta readers look at what I had so far, thinking that if somehow the entire premise of the true ending didn’t work, I would have less to re-write after scrapping the whole thing.

As it turns out, not only did they like how it’s going, but they were absolutely rocked by one of the reveals about midway through. Minds have been blown, which has resulted in my maniacally cackling as they go back through the entire game looking for hints that lead up to that point. Woo-hoo! 

Personal Update

So this week was inventory at my work, which went about as well as it could have. We got out at a reasonable time on Friday, and I came home to see our houseguest for the weekend had already arrived. I was so exhausted that it was basically a quick “hello”, we watched this week’s episode of Drag Race, and then I went to bed while she and Morgana were making “candy” bracelets to hand out the next day.

Saturday was our “main event”: We were headed to the movie theatre to see “Rite Here, Rite Now”. All three of us were cosplaying, though since the movie theatre doesn’t allow facepaint, we just had a Taylor Momsen amount of eyeshadow on to simulate Copia’s eyes. We ran into many other Ghost fans at the mall, where we exchanged bracelets and stickers and other things. It was basically like a goth Era’s Tour! The movie itself was great, and the Korean BBQ we had afterward was even better. 

Finally, this morning we went to a little local diner for our farewell breakfast, and now I’m doing laundry and decompressing from a long week. This coming Friday has us going to Too Many Games, where we’ll be meeting some of the Baldur’s Gate 3 voice cast, and possibly even the Angry Video Game Nerd! Then on Saturday we’re going to see the Beetlejuice musical here in Baltimore. Excitement!

Oh, and some of you may be wondering what’s going on with Morgana’s whole genetic testing thing. After all, the doctor said it would be a miracle if she didn’t have the genetic mutation that makes her prone to cancer, and we were eagerly awaiting confirmation so we’d know what to do next.

Well, as it turns out… miracles do happen. Morgana doesn’t have any of the 21 genetic markers that make her prone to cancer. Naturally, this doesn’t mean she can’t get cancer, but it does mean that it’s not basically inevitable. It was such a relief to hear, and I feel like I can finally breathe for the first time in months. We still have her mammogram on July 9th, but now it’s more than likely just going to reveal that her lumps are benign and we can go back to not dreading every bit of news. 

That’s all for this week! Soon begins the process of final coding and rendering the chapter, with any luck!

Keep the legends alive!
– Nine